Last Saturday, 14th December, St Mary’s College, Oscott marked a momentous occasion in its calendar: the Diaconate Ordinations of our sixth-year seminarians, coupled with their Leaving Day.
Diaconate Ordinations at St Mary’s College, Oscott
Last Saturday, 14th December, St Mary’s College, Oscott marked a momentous occasion in its calendar: the Diaconate Ordinations of our sixth-year seminarians, coupled with their Leaving Day. For our ordinands, it was a profound step forward on their journey to the priesthood; for our Oscott community, it was a day of joy, reflection, and gratitude.
The Diaconate is a sacred ministry rooted in service and proclamation of the Word of God. It represents a significant milestone in a seminarian’s formation, marking their commitment to preach, serve, and embody the Gospel in a new way. As Dr Mary McCaughey, Director of Studies, observed, this moment reflects “a culmination of many years of formation” - not only academic effort but also spiritual and psychological insights as our seminarians discern God’s call in their lives. “You could sense their faith in how they abandoned themselves to this grace-filled moment,” she said.
This year’s ordinations were unique in their timing, taking place at the beginning of sixth year rather than the summer. Dr Angela Costley, Lecturer in New Testament Greek and Old Testament, highlighted how this change has been prompted by Oscott’s response to the Church’s guidelines on seminary formation (Ratio Fundamentalis), which suggests that on ordination, deacons would now take their final stage of the journey to priestly ordination (the “vocational synthesis stage” ) in the parish. “It is appropriate that they are now with their people and will be going into parishes very soon,” she says. “It is a wonderful blessing to see them reach this milestone. I just want them to know I am happy for them and that we see it as a blessing.”
The ordination Mass was a deeply moving ceremony. Mary described the symbolism of the bishop handing the Gospels to our new deacons: “They’re receiving the Word, but not only the Word of Scripture. They’re being conformed to Christ, the Word, in a new way.” This powerful moment, accompanied by the bishop’s words - “Believe what you read, teach what you believe, and practice what you teach” - underscores the sacred responsibility now entrusted to them.
For Tomás, one of our third-year seminarians who served as Assistant Master of Ceremonies, the ordinations were a testament to the ever-deepening commitment of the ordinands to the Priesthood. “You witness their effort, their humility, and their growth,” he reflected. He spoke of the long hours of prayer, study, and preparation leading up to the day, noting how our sixth years have been shaped intellectually, spiritually, and emotionally to serve God’s people. Reflecting on his own role during the ceremony, Tomás shared, “It was such a privilege to assist as one of the masters of ceremonies. My role involved ensuring everything ran smoothly, from guiding the servers through their parts of the liturgy to supporting the Chief Master of Ceremonies. It’s a demanding role, but very fulfilling.” He added, “Being so close to the ordinands, I could see the transformation from seminarian to sacred minister and the joy to be found in committing one's life to God."
The day was permeated with moments of joy. Angela recalled seeing a young boy in the congregation imitating our ordinands as they lay prostrate on the floor - a touching and joyful image of faith being passed to the next generation. “It was adorable,” she said. “You could see the sense of wonder in his face.”
Following the ceremony, the newly-ordained deacons, their families and friends, and the whole Oscott community gathered on Oscott’s iconic front steps to celebrate in the rare winter sunshine. Mary reflected on the profound sense of family that permeates our college: “These men aren’t just students; they’ve become part of our lives. Seeing them reach this milestone is incredibly moving.”
The ordinations were not only a pivotal moment for our new deacons but also for our entire Oscott community. In Angela’s words, “You see how much they want this, how much they’ve grown. It affirms everyone’s faith to see people say yes to God.”
As we look ahead, we pray for our new deacons as they embark on their ministries. Their ordination reminds us of the beauty of saying “yes” to God’s call and the joy of serving His people. May they continue to be a source of light, hope, and grace for the Church.